
Full Spectrum


We specialize in over 48 technically advanced cybersecurity and compliance services designed to protect cardholder and other sensitive data, secure in-scope networks, systems, and website applications.

Managed Security Solutions >

Compliance Assessments>

Security Testing >

Consulting Services >

Customer Reviews

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Who We Are

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Managed Security Solutions >

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Real-time active threat intelligence. Rapidly find and contain intrusions.

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Track & Respond To Suspicious Activity In Your Network Traffic

Empower your incident response and security operations functions with real-time active threat intelligence.

Full Spectrum


We specialize in over 48 technically advanced cybersecurity and compliance services designed to protect cardholder and other sensitive data, secure in-scope networks, systems, and website applications.

Managed Security Solutions >

Compliance Assessments>

Security Testing >

Consulting Services >

Customer Reviews

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Who We Are

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Managed Security Solutions >

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Real-time active threat intelligence. Rapidly find and contain intrusions.

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Track & Respond To Suspicious Activity In Your Network Traffic

Empower your incident response and security operations functions with real-time active threat intelligence.

Full Spectrum


We specialize in over 48 technically advanced cybersecurity and compliance services designed to protect cardholder and other sensitive data, secure in-scope networks, systems, and website applications.

Managed Security Solutions >

Compliance Assessments>

Security Testing >

Consulting Services >

Customer Reviews

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Who We Are

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Managed Security Solutions >

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Real-time active threat intelligence. Rapidly find and contain intrusions.

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Track & Respond To Suspicious Activity In Your Network Traffic

Empower your incident response and security operations functions with real-time active threat intelligence.

Why Choose Us?

Our expert security consultants and QSAs are fully certified across multiple disciplines and have decades of experience helping businesses stay protected against an ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. We build long-term relationships with our clients and provide holistic service offering to meet all their security and compliance needs while outlining a path to continued improvements within their internal security program(s).

Why Choose Us?

Our expert security consultants and QSAs are fully certified across multiple disciplines and have decades of experience helping businesses stay protected against an ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. We build long-term relationships with our clients and provide holistic service offering to meet all their security and compliance needs while outlining a path to continued improvements within their internal security program(s).

Managed Security Solutions

Managed Detection and Response

Advanced threats can always challenge and evade legacy network security technologies like firewalls. With our managed detection and response service, we Identify network intrusions which requires full monitoring of all traffic as it enters and leaves your network, as well as how it traverses your network internally.

Managed Detection and Response

Service Overview

Quickly Track & Respond To Suspicious Activity In Your Network Traffic

Our security operations team uses the latest network monitoring and intrusion detection (IDS) technologies to track suspicious traffic inside your network, and quickly determine malicious intent. This service is known as Managed Detection And Response. When a malicious presence is identified, containment processes are in place to nullify the threat before any harm is caused.

Advanced threats can always challenge and evade legacy network security technologies like firewalls. Identifying network intrusions requires full monitoring of all traffic as it enters and leaves your network, as well as how it traverses your network internally. This is a necessity for any security team, making it possible to spot suspicious activity such as lateral movements during data exfiltration and the proliferation of malware.

The Definitive Guide To SOCaaS

As cyber threats become increasingly common and sophisticated, organizations are struggling to maintain a sufficient level of security and compliance.


Bricata delivers powerful network understanding, threat detection, and threat hunting capabilities in a tightly-integrated, seamless platform built for ease-of-use, deployment, and management.

The table below sets forth the methodology utilized by MegaplanIT’s security engineers and analysts in triaging, evaluating, and addressing customer problems related to the functionality of Bricata products. Classification will be determined at MegaplanIT’s sole discretion based on factors, including input obtained from the customer.

Problem affects time-critical applications with production work substantially degraded. Software is completely unusable and no known workaround is currently available. The affected system is a necessary component of the customer’s production process.
Software significantly impaired such that customer’s key business processes cannot be conducted and no known work-around is currently available.
Software is functional; however there is minimal impact to the customer’s ability to use the software for production purposes.

Response Expectations

In the event that an error is discovered in Bricata’s software that causes the software not to operate in conformance with the published specifications or applicable documentation, the customer must provide a reasonable description of the problem or error to MegaplanIT’s support team and propose a classification of the severity based on the problem classification table above and all additional data as specified herein. MegaplanIT will acknowledge the notice with a ticket number (“ticket”) and make commercially reasonable efforts to assign appropriate assets to resolve the problem as specified in the response expectation table.

The following Response Table specifies response targets that will be assigned to a customer problem at each step of the process, based on the severity classification assigned to the problem. MegaplanIT will use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve customer tickets in the estimated time frames set forth below.

Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
One Hour
Continuous effort
Continuous business-day effort
Four- to six-hour response time
Continuous business-day effort
Worked on a time-available basis
Response by next business day
Worked on a time-available basis
Worked on a time-available basis
A blue button with the word tier 1 on it for Managed Detection and Response.

Tier 1

Involves the acknowledgment of a customer’s problem and the initiation of the information gathering process.

A blue and white badge with the word tier 2 on it, indicating Managed Detection and Response.

Tier 2

Involves active problem resolution. The goal of the problem resolution process is to provide relief from the reported problem, as quickly as possible, through a temporary patch, correction, or work-around, and thereafter, to identify and provide a durable solution.

The tier 3 badge on a blue background for Managed Detection and Response.

Tier 3

Involves ongoing problem resolution. MegaplanIT will use commercially reasonable efforts to identify and provide a durable solution.

Key Benefits of MegaplanIT's Managed Detection And Response

A blue icon with Managed Detection and Response capabilities.

Enriched Network Metadata

A blue light bulb with a managed detection and response system.

Perfect-Fidelity Smart PCAPs

A blue box with an exclamation mark on it indicating Managed Detection and Response.

Stateful Anomaly Detection

A SIEM folder.

Network Metadata-to-PCAP Linking

The ai logo on a blue background for Managed Detection and Response.

AI Binary Inspection for Zero-Day File Inspection

An icon with the word api on it for Managed Detection and Response.

Open APIs for Sharing with Other 3rd Party Tools

A document with Managed Detection and Response.

Deep Packet Inspection Signature Matching

A blue magnifying glass with the number 10 on it used for Managed Detection and Response.

Context-sensitive Auto-generated Queries

A blue icon with a light bulb and a Managed Detection and Response.

Intuitive GUIs and Expert-system Workflows

A set of blue bubbles with a warning sign on them illustrating the concept of Managed Detection and Response.

Received Prioritized Alerts

A blue box surrounded by blue wires offering Managed Detection and Response solutions.

Packet Dropping

A blue and white icon with a blue background representing Managed Detection and Response.

Hash Generation and Forensic Evidence Export

A laptop with a SIEM dashboard.

Unleash The True Power Of Your Managed Security Solutions

Our 24/7 Security Operations Center provides always-on threat hunting and investigation capabilities and a member of our team is always available to answer your questions and address any security concerns. Best of all, you get full visibility of your threat landscape, so you can see active threats against your environment in real-time.

Industry Leading Certified Experts

Managed Security, Managed Compliance, and Security Consulting all under one roof make us the leader in asset protection.

The logo for aicpa soc 2, which signifies PCI Software Security Framework Assessment.
The logo for soc 2 2020 assure professional with PCI Compliance.
A blue and white logo with a globe in the middle.
MegaplanIT GPEN Certification

When You Work With MegaplanIT

Discover the fast and cost-effective security services backed by our experienced and certified professionals.

Chief Technology Officer

Payments and Software Company

For 2021 there was no question who we would engage to help us get through the process. They were excellent and the process was easier the second time around.

Our Security Consultant was extremely well organized, knowledgeable , personable and responsive. Our IT Director was extremely satisfied. I shopped for year one and MegaplanIT was the most reasonable and all-encompassing and you felt they were in it for a long term relationship. Do not hesitate to hire MegaplanIT they are very approachable and responsive. I heartily recommend them

A wavy logo with a purple color on a white background.


Travel Related Technology and Payment Solutions


Payment Technology Merchant Acquirer

From sales to the final report (and everything in between), working with MegaplanIT has been a pleasure. Their vast PCI knowledge, along with their fast response times far exceeded my expectations. They truly understand PCI, and how that applies to our virtual environment. They are a great partner, and always try to make themselves available when we need them. A truly professional and dedicated team!

A blue logo with the letter m on it.

Make Our Team, Your Team!

Our innovative IT security and compliance solutions are designed to deliver customized, cost-effective service on time—because your priorities are our priorities. With a highly qualified team of PCI-DSS QSAs, Penetration Testers, and Information Security Consultants here at MegaplanIT, we will assess your unique company and business environment and design a path to security that will fit all of your needs.

A clipboard icon with a pen and paper, enhanced for SIEM.

Log Collection

Logs are collected from event sources (such as servers, switches, routers, operating systems, and firewalls) throughout the IT environment of your organization. The logs are then forwarded to other Security Analytics devices, where they are stored as metadata for use in investigations and reports.​

A SIEM icon with a blue and white person.

Compliance Monitoring

Our monitoring tool assesses your adherence to your organization’s policies and procedures, governing activities that pose compliance risk to your business and helps the business effectively manage risks on an ongoing, real-time basis.​

A blue and white cloud icon.

Log Retention

Our log retention service provides full lifecycle management of your chosen log retention technology, assuring that your log retention tool will allow you to achieve and/or maintain your PCI-DSS, FISMA or HIPAA compliant status.​

A blue and white icon with two speech bubbles.

Incident Response

Our IR Plan encompasses the six key phases that are defined in NIST-SP 800-61: Preparation, Detection, Containment, Investigation, Remediation, Recovery 

A cloud icon with gears and a SIEM shield.

Managed SIEM

Utilizing our managed SIEM tool allows your organization to effectively allocate your IT staff, allowing them to focus on core business needs and new projects while providing peace of mind, knowing that your environment is efficiently managed and constantly monitored for any compromise.

A circle containing a cloud and paper in blue color.

Event & Intelligence Correlation

Regardless of whether the events are associated with end-user experience, business processes, application performance or technology performance, effective event correlation will pinpoint the specific cause of any event storm.

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