
Full Spectrum


We specialize in over 48 technically advanced cybersecurity and compliance services designed to protect cardholder and other sensitive data, secure in-scope networks, systems, and website applications.

Managed Security Solutions >

Compliance Assessments>

Security Testing >

Consulting Services >

Customer Reviews

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Who We Are

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Managed Security Solutions >

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Real-time active threat intelligence. Rapidly find and contain intrusions.

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Track & Respond To Suspicious Activity In Your Network Traffic

Empower your incident response and security operations functions with real-time active threat intelligence.

Full Spectrum


We specialize in over 48 technically advanced cybersecurity and compliance services designed to protect cardholder and other sensitive data, secure in-scope networks, systems, and website applications.

Managed Security Solutions >

Compliance Assessments>

Security Testing >

Consulting Services >

Customer Reviews

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Who We Are

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Managed Security Solutions >

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Real-time active threat intelligence. Rapidly find and contain intrusions.

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Track & Respond To Suspicious Activity In Your Network Traffic

Empower your incident response and security operations functions with real-time active threat intelligence.

Full Spectrum


We specialize in over 48 technically advanced cybersecurity and compliance services designed to protect cardholder and other sensitive data, secure in-scope networks, systems, and website applications.

Managed Security Solutions >

Compliance Assessments>

Security Testing >

Consulting Services >

Customer Reviews

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Who We Are

we are grateful to receive their feedback on our service.

Managed Security Solutions >

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Real-time active threat intelligence. Rapidly find and contain intrusions.

Powerful, optimized SIEM running 24/7/365.

Track & Respond To Suspicious Activity In Your Network Traffic

Empower your incident response and security operations functions with real-time active threat intelligence.

Why Choose Us?

Our expert security consultants and QSAs are fully certified across multiple disciplines and have decades of experience helping businesses stay protected against an ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. We build long-term relationships with our clients and provide holistic service offering to meet all their security and compliance needs while outlining a path to continued improvements within their internal security program(s).

Why Choose Us?

Our expert security consultants and QSAs are fully certified across multiple disciplines and have decades of experience helping businesses stay protected against an ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. We build long-term relationships with our clients and provide holistic service offering to meet all their security and compliance needs while outlining a path to continued improvements within their internal security program(s).

Approved Scanning Vendor

Service Overview

PCI SSC Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV)

In order to be PCI DSS compliant, your organization must adhere to requirement 11.2: “Run internal and external network vulnerability scans at least quarterly and after any significant change in the network. Quarterly external scans must be performed by an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV).”

We use comprehensive network scans to identify vulnerabilities in your organization’s environment and provide remediation assistance and recommendations to help you achieve your quarterly Attestation of Scanning Compliance. With thousands of approved scans under our belts, nobody is better qualified to help your organization through all aspects of PCI DSS compliance.

Our Approach

We start by configuring a custom PCI portal for your company to conduct ASV scans and generate your Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) report, if needed. Once the portal has been activated, a MegaplanIT security consultant will walk you through using the portal and provide you with recommendations for conducting and understanding the results of your first scan. 

Key Benefits:

Approved Scanning Vendor

As a qualified ASV (approved by the PCI Security Standards Council), our goal is to assist merchants and service providers in becoming—and staying—PCI DSS compliant.

PCI SSC approved scanning vendor

Powerful scanning processes and tools

Uncover all vulnerabilities in your environment

Expert remediation advice and guidance

Minimize Risk and Ensure Compliance With Our PCI SSC Approved Scanning Service

Whether you are completing a Level 1 Assessment with a third-party auditor or completing a Self-Assessment Questionnaire with your internal compliance team, the MegaplanIT scan portal will help you toward achieving your goal of PCI DSS compliance. 

External Facing IPs

A MegaplanIT security consultant will begin by identifying all external facing IPs that are in scope for vulnerability scanning.

Scheduled Scans

Our consultant will coordinate with your team to schedule scanning activities. Your productivity is a priority, which is why we make sure our assessments never interfere with your organization’s workflow.

External ASV Scans

Once the external ASV scans are complete, the MegaplanIT consultant will review scan results internally to ensure accuracy. If any vulnerability exists, the MegaplanIT consultant will offer customized remediation consulting and perform retesting (if necessary).

Attestation of Scanning

Once your organization has passed the ASV scan, MegaplanIT will issue an Attestation of Scanning for submission to acquirers, processors, gateways, and other PCI stakeholders. We also provide detailed Technical Reports, including an Executive Summary, for your information and records.

Industry Leading Certified Experts

Managed Security, Managed Compliance, and Security Consulting all under one roof make us the leader in asset protection.

The logo for aicpa soc 2, which signifies PCI Software Security Framework Assessment.
The logo for soc 2 2020 assure professional with PCI Compliance.
A blue and white logo with a globe in the middle.
MegaplanIT GPEN Certification

What Our Customers Say

A blue logo with the letter m on it.

Make Our Team, Your Team!

Our innovative IT security and compliance solutions are designed to deliver customized, cost-effective service on time—because your priorities are our priorities. With a highly qualified team of PCI-DSS QSAs, Penetration Testers, and Information Security Consultants here at MegaplanIT, we will assess your unique company and business environment and design a path to security that will fit all of your needs.